Statistical Dashboard & Internal PM Tool

Recency: <2016
Role: Product designer, web developer
Collaboration: Solo design with lots of feedback from colleague


The Visual Website Optimiser (VWO) dashboard shows the performance of page variants in real time. The original dashboard omitted many key metrics and did not provide sufficient guidance to users (based on my conversations with clients):

  • How’s the test doing now? Any early indications?
  • When do we have enough data to stop? What are the risks and trade-offs to stopping now?
  • What’s on deck to be tested next?

What I Did

I put together some tools to help solve these problems for me and my clients:

  • Statistical library in JavaScript focused on A/B testing
  • Greesemonkey script to add missing metrics and rules to VWO
  • Created email status updates using PHP and VWO’s API
  • Created landing page explaining the free tool’s benefits
  • Created Project Management tool to track ideas

Marketing Focused On Benefits

I created a page to clearly explain the top 3 problems I’m trying to solve:

Enhanced VWO Overview

The original dashboard started with an overview, which showed the relative performance of the each version :

The problem was:

  • No indication of the statistical significance of the results
  • Hard to compare bars as performance differences narrowed over time

I enhanced the overview with:

  • Worst case scenario: Vertical line to easily compare versions
  • Margin of error: T lines to show margin of error
  • Statistical confidence: Added p-value statistic

Confidence lines at the top of each bar show uncertainty. I drew a vertical line to represent the maximum estimate of V1 (the Control). Now it is easy to say that even if the true performance of V1 is its maximum, then the lowest estimates for V2 and V2 are still outperforming it. This is very good.

I added a p-value, which is a standard way to measuring the strength of results. Normally you can’t show p-values like this in real time, but there are various reasons that I did so here.

Enhanced Main Dashboard

The original dashboard looked like this:

The problem was:

  • No indication of current false positive and false negative risk
  • No margin of error for the improvement
  • “Chance to beat” was not always reliable
  • No indication of how much longer to go

Over multiple iterations, the dashboard looked like this:

I made a number of improvements here:

  1. Labeling: I back-calculated VWO’s margin of error and discovered it was lower than is standard (only 75%). I clearly labeled this.
  2. Added confidence interval: I used 99% confidence intervals for extra aggressive to allow for other statistical laxness in making this more user-friendly. Now users could see a range of uncertainty instead of one value.
  3. New confidence indicator: I replaced the “Chance to Beat” with my own “Actual Confidence”, based on my own algorithm. Users could hover the values to see what they mean.
  4. Sample size guide: I tried to estimate how much longer a test has to run. When users hovered over the icons, they could see an explanation and a recommendation in plain English. I also applied many rules in the background to show context-specific messages e.g., if visitors are under some best practice minimum.
  5. Test metrics & risk: I added holistic metrics, showing time elapsed and estimated weekly test traffic. I also quantified the false positive risk, taking into account number of variants being tested.
  6. External calculator link: I provided a link to an external calculator that would allow users to manipulate the data and add special “corrections” not available in VWO

User Feedback

I received feedback from multiple sources and found bugs, which I fixed. The Addon went through 7+ iterations.

Next, I Created Email Alerts

The problem was VWO had no email update service to keep the client updated. Tracking results for multiple clients across different accounts was also laborious for me. Fortunately VWO had an API.

I created an email update service that sent bi-weekly test updates to me and my clients. I used VWO’s API and PHP to route emails. I first started with a status update showing current performance and change from last time:

The email included:

  • All tests and their status
  • Performance of each version, traffic, and statistical assessment
  • Estimate of test duration

I then incorporated my own heuristics that weren’t available in VWO. For example, this report included daily performance so I can see how consistent the test is:

For many projects, the daily counts of visitors were low, so I expanded the weekly summary to show detailed performance. Also, my colleague suggested making the report more personal. So, I also added a custom summary at the top in yellow:

The red and green colors are also distinguished by minus signs and difference in tint, so it’s still clear for color-blind users.

I also built my ownstatistical calculator to facilitate both the planning and analysis of tests.

Product Page for Addon

The full product page included a clear explanation of the what’s new with arrows pointing to specific features and what they mean to educate users.

MVP / Prototype for Project Management

My clients wanted to see the list of A/B test ideas and their current status. I created a functional prototype to allow us to enter test ideas, clearly articulate the rationale, prioritize, and flag them for testing:

When a test was activated in VWO, it would show up in the list, and anyone on the team could click on it to open the VWO dashboard.

Tool Retired

Eventually VWO updated their statistical model and I retired my tools. I also retired the email updates, because it was decided weekly personal updates with clients were more valuable. However, going through the prototyping exercise was highly valuable in documenting the process.

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