Bridging The Designer-Engineer Divide

Instead of specialization, we should strive for some overlap. When engineers and designers share experiences, they develop empathy, which leads to clearer communication. This in turn improves outcomes.

Designer Saves The Day (True Story)

Sam was engaged on a renovation project, where the goal was to open up a high-traffic space in a house.

Sam was the “designer”, who drew up a detailed plan to remove a main load bearing wall that would meet the permit requirements. Sam also defined the functional requirements: the beam had to be concealed, the opening had to be this wide, and so on. Mike was the highly skilled “engineer” tasked with making it happen.

As Mike and Sam discussed implementation, Mike made specific decisions about materials and specific dimensions. A few compromises were made, but all looked doable, until Mike exposed the floor where the beam cross-support would go and realized the space contained an HVAC conduit that could not be relocated.

At this point, Mike the engineer sighed and said, “You know, this is a show stopper. I would reconsider removing this wall. We’ll have to move up past the vent and at that point, you’re not really removing that much wall.”

To this, Sam replied, “No, this wall is in the way. We can’t stop now. Let’s just think about it for a moment.”

Very quickly it occurred to Sam that they could build on top of the floor without impacting the vent. Sam described how it could be done. Apparently, this option didn’t occur to the engineer, because it’s not usually done this way and if they got a grumpy inspector, it would not pass inspection. So Sam vetted his idea with an architect, who highlighted the risks with doing that. Fortunately, Mike the engineer jumped in and offered solutions that would mitigate those risks. Sam then relayed this final plan to the inspector, who signed off on it.

And so Sam’s solution was implemented and the project was a success.

Mike was 50X more skilled than Sam. But two heads are better than one. Although Sam was a designer and project manager, he acquired some basic construction knowledge. This knowledge turned out to be critical in the successful implementation of his design. And his not being an expert was actually helpful, because he naturally thought outside the box.

The critical takeaway here was that BOTH the specialized skillsets of the engineer and the architect AND the designer’s basic technical acumen came together to produce the perfect solution.

Now let me tell you a different story.

Engineer Saves The Day (True Story)

Sam was involved in a bathroom renovation project. Since Mike the engineer was busy, Sam decided to enlist the help of a different engineer, named Anton. Anton said he required design drawings even for a small project. “You tell me what you need, and I’ll build it” was his motto.

So Sam decided to contract out the design to a dedicated designer, Julie. Julie came highly recommended. She looked at the existing layout and drew up several recommendations. Sam and Julie agreed on a plan to put the shower by the window, because it didn’t seem to fit anywhere else. Julie then produced detailed drawings for the engineer Anton. But at that point Anton was no longer available.

Luckily, Mike now was. Mike the engineer looked at the plans and immediately said it was no go. You can’t put a shower by the window, because obviously the water would go all over the window sill and it would be a mess in the long run. Julie or Sam were so focused on the paper layout that they overlooked the implementation.

So Mike the engineer thought it over for a day or two and proposed a completely different design, which moved everything around in a way that neither Julie nor Sam ever considered. It was a spectacular improvement. A bit more work but definitely worth it. Mike’s design was a rough pencil sketch on the wall. With that in mind, he successfully implemented the new design.

Most often designers are frustrated that engineers haven’t implemented their designs exactly on the first try. But that isn’t always a good expectation. I don’t always care to align my boxes down to the pixel or get the font colors and sizes perfect. I always expect the implementer to critically think about what they are building. The result need not be antagonistic. Here’s a sample tweet I just came across:

Building Rockets Iteratively

There are many examples of designers and engineers collaborating successfully.

If you get a chance to watch the documentary Cosmodrome, it’s an interesting story about how Soviets perfected a closed cycle rocket engine in the 70s. The U.S. thought it impossible and wasn’t even aware of it until the 90s.

The Soviets’ manufacturing and engineering process is a perfect case study in iterative design, prototyping, and collaboration.

The engineers drew up plans, and then planned a dozen test flights to iron out flaws. These were FULL flights, and they fully expected the first few rockets to explode. And they did. They even destroyed the launch complex and had to rebuild it to keep testing. Luck was a factor in these decisions. The Soviets simply didn’t have the right test facilities, so they adapted. Whereas the Americans could test an engine without actually launching it, the Soviets had to do a full launch.

The Soviets learned from each failure and with each test, they refined the engine. This way they achieved something the Americans could not.

Their design method is particularly instructive. Whereas for Americans, design and build phases were separate, Soviet design engineers handed responsibility over their design to build engineers. The build engineers would take over and be free to iterate the design to make it work.

“That’s Not My Job”

I started out my career at a consulting firm as a Business Analyst working closely with other analysts and developers. This company called us renaissance consultants, and in fact all our official titles were plain “Consultant”. I remember a training presentation where it was emphasized that we should all do what is necessary. “If the trash bin is full, we can’t say That’s not my job”.

I believe this kind of environment allows bright individuals to thrive. It allows developers who have a flair for client-facing consulting to take active part in client meetings. It allows technically inclined designers/analysts like myself to pick up coding when needed. This allows the team to go beyond the requirements or design “hand-off” and instead work hands-on together on challenges.

Contrast this with experience all designers have had with *some* developers. Developers who convey “It’s not my job” by saying “Done!” without even bothering to load their work in a browser (they send you a link to a page that’s completely broken). Equally frustrating is the reverse experience with designers, who don’t consider mobile experience or feasibility at all.

What The Future Looks Like For IT

There are many trends in the industry that try to address this divide. The trend toward pattern libraries and design systems can help developers design. Abstraction layers like jQuery made JavaScript coding more accessible to designers. Prototyping software like Adobe XD allows designers to build sophisticated interactions without any coding and make it easier to share specs with developers. But the bigger problem is culture.

Still, I think there is room for optimism. As much as there is a trend to specialization, there is potential for cross-pollination. Modern solutions are simply too complicated for designers to remain oblivious about technology and, I will add, business.

Organizations need to embrace more fluid approaches to specialization. It allows individuals to utilize 100% of their potential, making them more valuable and more satisfied.

It also sends a message to educational institutions. For example, now that UX is coming into its own, there is a growing danger of creating new silos where none existed. The field was built by folks who’ve come from all sorts of diverse backgrounds, yet it might be adopted now by those who would enter the field through specialized programs.

If we are not careful, specialization will change things, and I don’t think it will be for the better.

P.S. As I come to UX from a Business Analyst role, I have a similar view of that divide. In fact, a large consultancy I talked to recently mentioned they were experimenting with joining their two departments. They are not alone. But that’s a story for another day.

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